
Sun in Aries


It has a meaning of the action started, a new cycle of personal development. Motto of any Aries is: initiative and active! These people are not afraid of any obstacles, they can act almost blindly, without any kind of cover, they are directed forward, putting themselves easily under the open flame. Aries is an impulse, overturning everything on its way. A great future for this kind of people is almost assured. They rarely think of their losses, sometimes, even in the old age. They always prefer a direct path to the roundabouts, because they do not have enough patience. Therefore, the highest peaks in life are rarely achieved by Aries, because the direct paths often become too steep. The energy is spent without any regrets, as if they can always get themselves quickly re-charged, so actually Aries always achieve something in life - at least once they stand out from the crowd.


People with their sun in Aries differ with the reckless courage, a concentrated attack, suppression of emotions and doubts, unshakable self-confidence and fearlessness. The most favorite word of Aries is "ME". Everything depends on the Aries’ level of internal development. Some of them may hit below the belt, just to get their way. But most of the Aries are quite noble people, especially when they have won. But until the obstacle is not broken, they do not know pity, and it can be stated about both: other people and Aries himself. Aries is never looking around, seeing only what lies in the field of his view. You can not convince him, he just will not listen to you. There are also some shy Aries, but they also never lose their purpose, and always eventually reach it.


Aries is attracting everyone's attention by the quickness and intelligence of his actions. He will have no business with the unimportant people. If he has some obstacles, he will immediately apply to the big boss to fix them. Aries can work well with his elbows for his personal advancement, but, moving forward, he does not see the enemies, whom he had made, believing himself being strong.


profession career

Usually Aries is choosing professions that do not require patience, persistence, obedience, reasoning, sitting in the same room all day long. At work these people give themselves no quarter, but their boss has to remember that Aries can soon take his place. Love for Aries is a burning passion. He chooses a partner and wins him (or her). The beginning of love, the first onslaught is intoxicating, this is a spring with summer heat, but if the relationships are more or less prolonged, Aries may become a despot. Love will last for a long time, if the partner is able to maintain the interest, not allowing Aries to fully win. Aries (both men and women) in marriage usually continue to maintain the relationships with acquaintances, friends, they will not be confined to a narrow family circle. Their children will not be weaklings, but also they most likely will not be as strong and as their parents are.


Disadvantage of Aries is the continuation of his merits.Aries are stubborn, they often overestimate themselves and do not have enough patience, they are prone to quarrels and can not yield.They would have to learn to ask for forgiveness, to be tolerant with the other people. But they are not able to listen to the others' advice, which often leads to many difficult situations. They have a lot of people envying them, acting secretly. The wounds are accumulating as time passes, but Aries can not see his injuries, so for him the trouble always comes suddenly, the world is falling apart and it is often associated with some serious diseases. There is only one way out - Aries must learn patience, friendliness, ability to analyze his actions.


You are a person that faces difficulties willingly. You often think that you have to live the life in a battle, that you have to be independent, counting only for you own strength, intellect and courage. You do believe in the absolute honesty, faithfulness, you keep being loyal to yourself, your views and beliefs, even if as a result you will be left alone. Honesty, integrity, desire to be yourself - are the gods you are praying for. So you do not sympathize with the weaknesses of others.


You value freedom above anything else, and the ability to do everything the way you need.You work independently very well. Collaboration with other people or executing somebody's orders - is not your lifestyle. You either lead, or do something independently.


You love action, and as soon as your life becomes too pleasant, comfortable, cozy and routine, you are ready to put everything upside down, to start something new, to change everything, "to renew the blood." Routine and monotony for you are worse than death. You are not afraid to do something that no one had ever done before. And while sometimes you look like a madman, you can still do something that your rivals will only later try to beat. To take risks and to follow your star - for you it is a life itself, the breath, the very pulse of it. If it is not possible, you feel down, or not knowing what to do fall into a rage.


strong man battle

Starting to act quickly, you are impulsive, straightforward, spontaneous, enthusiastic and you are not afraid to tell directly and clearly what you think. You believe in the power of positive thinking and positive actions. You think yourself to be strong, even invincible, person.

You hate to be ill and don’t like situations when you have to depend on the others. The idea of accepting the limitations of your human nature, the very thought that the emotional side of your being is in need of attention, often seems unbearable to you.


In the mentality you're basically "a man", less capable of a feminine art of dealing with people, of the perception of the subtle hints and nuances, of achieving a harmony in the relationships. Often you are excited so much by your own designs and purposes that you don’t even notice that you may get engaged into a conflict with the feelings and interests of others. If you learn how to treat them with the great care, to appreciate their ideas, feelings, you will make life much easier for yourself and for the people around you. Your impatience in the pursuit of goals is leading to the fact that you are calling for some alienation without noticing it. It is bad that sometimes you are trying to achieve your goals by raising your voice and banging your fist on the table. Learn how to calm yourself and relax. Sometimes you have to let events go on their own course It is a pity that due to your energetic, restless nature, you rarely can follow this advice.




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