
Birthday Number 23

Birthday Number 23

The implementation of their creative possibilities, practical activities to create something new - are the main things in these people's lives. The independence of spirit, originality, fearlessness in thoughts and expressions make them fighters by nature. Their self-confidence and determination are supplemented by lively and vigorous intellect, and their purposefulness is usually rewarded with the great success and recognition. People of Number 23 should be wisely taking any life situations. They must do their best to stay away from any violent conflicts. Those born under the Number 23 are enthusiastic, ambitious people, who are looking for spiritual satisfaction in life more often, than for the material one. They have a creative thinking, they are very open-minded and imaginative. It allows them to quickly implement their plans into reality. They take life seriously and firmly and they intend to take everything that is possible out of it. They are very fair and merciful, and developing their skills in the right direction, they usually quickly make a good career. They are not afraid of any obstacles, if they sincerely believe that they are doing the right things. At times people of Number 23 may be somewhat nervous, but usually they keep their emotions under control and are able to restrain their passions. They possess many great talents and they have an obligation to themselves and to the whole world to implement those talents properly.


Emotional characteristics


In emotional matters this people sometimes tend to dominate, which comes from the influence of Number 3. At the same time, they are very sensitive, and their feeling are really deep. They love to have the full attention of their friends, but do not like to be somebody's property. Marriage will certainly be good, if their spouses have exactly the same temperament or the desire to obey. In marriage, people of Number 23 would like to appear liberal, but deeply inside they dream to possess the unconditional love of their partners. This sort of uncertainty comes from the influence of Number 2. Those born under Number 23 are smart and they usually choose a partner with the same good mind. Sexually they are strong, but will not go crazy if they have to stay without sex for some time. For them it is not a matter of life and death. So in general they are quite undemanding lovers.

Harmonious relationships for the Number 23 are possible with two types of people: those who will obey, and those who possess the powers of this world. People with Number 23 can tolerate the other types as well, because they are quite soft and curious, but the biggest appreciation they will always show for those, mentioned above. Although they are smart enough to understand different people, they still like to consider themselves to be always right about everything. It is not so easy to convince them with something, but with the certain patience they can finally accept a different point of view.

For people of Number 23 it is necessary to tame the desire of domination. They have to understand, that it is not necessary to dominate in order to be strong. In general this people are blessed with many talents, it is easy for them to see the essence of things, to read in other peoples souls.



