
Mystery of numbers

Mystery of the number 13


The world is surrounded by a number of legends, beliefs, and myths. One would have thought that rationalist people know better than to believes these legends but that has not been the case. Even in today’s modern world legends continue to enthrall people. One legend, belief, or myth surrounds the number 13 and says that it is an unlucky number. If you visit China or America, you will find that most hotels and buildings don’t have a thirteenth floor.


Mystery of the number 7


Scientists say that 7 represents non-cooperation. This means that the number is uncooperative. It is a prime number and can’t divide with anything except itself and one. The divisors sum does not come down to 7 like 6. 6 is a perfect number but seven is not. The number seven has been seen in many religious texts, legends, and ancient myths. Its mention can be seen in the Qu’ran and the Old Testament.


Mystery of the number 11


Eleven represents a number of things. It is usually called the Master Number but at the same time, it represents peril, crime, and sin. According to Numerology, the number signifies intuition, artistic genius, refinement of ideals, visionary, idealism, Avant-grade, androgynous, fame, refinement, film, etc. Of the number two, it is a higher octave. It has a psychic vibration to it and it is balanced between masculinity and femininity.


Mystery of the number 33


The number 33 is a number with special significance. In the field of Numerology thirty-three is the highest of the "Master Numbers". It symbolizes a Master Teacher. The number of a world harmony and balance of powers. Spiritual creation, the transformation of thinking, understanding the essence of being, wise use of time and effort. In the English version of GENESIS, GOD is mentioned 33 times.




