
Numerology in the Bible

Numerology in the Bible

The Holy Christian Bible, or Biblia Sacra, remains the most popular book of all times. Many people find inspiration and enlightenment in its pages daily, while others focus on the more curious aspects: divination secrets and hidden codes.


The following numbers appear in the Bible many times, and they carry some significance.

The Number One: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number one

In any language or culture around the globe, the number one means unity. It is of great importance no matter where you go. One has a dual nature, as do most numbers, in that it represents both primacy - being first - and unity - being a whole, singular thing.





The Number Two: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number two

The number one indicates both solidarity and uniqueness and stands for unity of all things. The number two indicates the opposite: that differences exist and all things cannot be contained in the one.






The Number Three: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number 3

Christianity's Holy Bible contains much symbolism when it comes to numbers. Perhaps the most prevalent and important is the number three. It clearly indicates the holy Trinity, trine and triad which are the three parts of God: the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.






The Number Four: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number 4

One of the Bible versions tells about the river in paradise that is parted into four heads and that is why number 4 in Bible numerology often means division. According to the Bible it is associated with unity and wholeness, as 4 is the square of the number 2 that stands for material maturity.






The Number Five: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number 5

The creation was cursed after the lapse of virtue and was transformed into a subject of vanity. Number 5 is connected to the impotence and weakness of the individual. It is the number symbolizing a great necessity of a human's redemption.






The Number Six: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number 6

The idea of man's imperfection without God or Christ is symbolized by the number 6 in the Bible. This human number shows up whenever the division between humankind and the holy exists.






The Number Seven: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number 7Everything that God completes and touches bears this number, and its importance in science and physics, and even music, demonstrates this perfect creation.






The Number Nine: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number 9Some of its meanings include finality and complexity, since it encompasses all the other numbers. It was considered sacred in ancient Egypt and Greece.






The Number Ten: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number 10First of all, for Bible number 10 embodies the meaning of the Ten Commandments given to Moses from God and ten generations from Adam to Noah.






The Number Twelve: Bible Numerology Code

numerology bible number 12The number 12 has symbolic meaning when it comes to space and time, as we can see on our clocks and calendars.





