
How to calculate your Psychomatrix Square?

All people with their birthdays are getting certain numbers that are actually the carriers of certain characteristics.


For example the date of birth: 05/12/1979 - (December 5, 1979.)

1) Add the digits of the day and month of birth: 5 +1 +2 = 8.
2) Add the digits of the year of birth: 1+ 9+ 9+ 7 = 26.
3) Add the resulting numbers: 8+ 26 = 34 - here we have the first working number.
4) Add the digits of the first working number: 3 + 4 = 7 - here we have a second working number.
5) From the first working number we are subtracting the doubled first digit of the date of birth:
34-2 * 5 = 24 - here we have the third working number.
6) Add the digits of a third working number: 2 + 4 = 6 - here we have a forth working number.


The first series of numbers: 5121979
The second series of numbers: 347246

After counting how many digits are there in both rows, we can form the table:
11 ... 44 ... 77
22 ... 5 ... No 8
3 ... 6 ... 99


Then we just have to find the characteristics of each cell of our table.
