
Chinese vs. Western Numerology - Number 1

number 1, numerology

East: In Chinese dialects the word ‘one’ is similar to the word ‘honor’ which is one of the main concepts of the eastern culture. Number 1 symbolizes self-sufficiency, freedom. However it can symbolize the loneliness and aloofness on the other side. It may also mean the need to go through obstacles and tough road to happiness.

West: In the Western Numerological System this number is about starting things and creation. It symbolizes the fighter, a person who acts instead of dreaming. In its positive sense, number one is associated with leading skills, guidance, activeness and courage. Negative manifestation can include impatience, obstinacy, tactlessness and contradicting nature. Number one is the most active number.



Chinese vs. Western Numerology

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Number 9


