
Birthday Number 12

Birthday Number 12

Sensitivity and susceptibility of people with the Birthday Number 12 are combined with a vigorous active purposefulness. They have a great self-confidence and they are able to intuitively understand the world around them. Thanks to the foresight, sensitivity and ability to clearly express their thoughts, they can have a big impact on people. People of Number 12 are progressive thinkers, often outrunning thoughts and ideas of their time. They are able to combine theoretical and practical, abstract and concrete. From this ingredients they always create something new, thanks to their intuition. Combining entrepreneurial spirit with the high goals that they set for themselves, people of Number 12 can achieve a lot. Breadth of their thinking applies only to the material plane of life, and only partly to the ideas and philosophies. Behind their external charms and attractive personality there lies a tough core of commitments and responsibilities. In personal relationships sometimes they can be pretty vindictive, jealous and envious. They do not know how to loose, especially if their dignity is affected. Tend to evaluate people strictly, but in the same time they are fair. They can go to extremes and transform their passionate love to hate - no less passionate. 

People of this Number should not concentrate too much on their affairs, as well as they should not go too far pursuing their fantasies and unattainable dreams.
They should use their abilities creatively and constructively, then their inspiration will bring a lot of practical benefits, and they will have a great chance to succeed in the business world.


Emotional characteristics


It is quite easy to get along with people of Number 12. Of course, they need an approval of their partners, but they do not seek it that much as some other Numbers. They have a powerful personality, but without pedantry and fanaticism. In their affections they are very sincere and willing to be equal partners. These people are usually lucky in their marriages, if their partners are not in excess of those weaknesses that they already have. They are sexually strong and do not have inhibitions. They are waiting for the same participation from their partners, who should be free from prejudice and taboos. They are strong and love to experiment. Their sensitivity (they got it from the Number 2) makes them tender lovers and spiritual satisfaction for them is also important. Although they are sensitive, they will never get full satisfaction, if there is no spiritual communication with their partner. They need it no less than physical contact.

People of Number 12 get along well with the others. They are usually popular and are good companions because of their positive mind and their bright character. They are sensitive to the other people's feelings and are always trying not to offend anyone.

But if necessary they can express exactly everything, that they have in mind. In other words, you always know what to expect from them. They are balanced and have no complexes of some other Numbers, so that they can get along well with almost everyone.

12 is a very good Number, and people born with it are very well balanced. Sometimes they are uncertain, there can be times when the "dreamer" will prevail. They should try to overcome these traits. In addition, they need to develop patience and understand that life has it's good and bad sides. If their plans run into obstacles, they should not give them up. Things can not always go smooth, and instead of giving up, people of Birthday Number 12 must continue fighting for what they believe is right. Otherwise, this is a very good number, and people of Number 12 are usually lucky. The second half of their life is often better than the first one.



