
Birthday Number 19

Birthday Number 19

These people are determined and independent. Extraordinary powerful will and belief in their own dignity make them very noticeable to the others. Usually people of Number 19 are charming and attractive. In most cases they are sincerely happy with themselves, always do only what they believe is right, and exactly because of this they are so much loved. They are optimistic, brilliant, generous, they have many talents, which they successfully use in practice. Achieving their goals they are persistent and straightforward. They do not like to turn away from their path, regardless of the circumstances and opposition, that may come from the other people. Those born under Number 19 are enjoying the very process of creative construction. Their creative enthusiasm is often transmitted to the others. They do not need anybody's support and are able to take care of their needs. They always try to be the best in the chosen career. Respect, that comes from the other people and their own glory are their main priorities in their life. They are characterized by compassion and tendency to selflessly serve people. They are very sensitive, sometimes effected by the sudden emotional swings, but they can control themselves. With the mind of inventor and creator they have a good chance to achieve material and social success.


Emotional characteristics


Speaking about their emotional and sexual life, we must say, that here people of Number 19 are quite dominant. It is not easy for them to accept the fact, that other people may have feelings, because for Number 19 feelings are something, that does not matter much. They take themselves as a perfectly created mechanism and the same way they are sometimes trying to treat the others. Sometimes people of Number 19 go quite selfish, because they believe, that everyone has the same strength, as they have. Emotions do not play a big role for them, usually they are clearly manifested only in the early youth of Number 19 and in the older age. Sometimes they feel quite lonely, being a "super-heroes" among normal people. It is not so easy to satisfy them sexually, because they are always missing something. Under the influence of Number 9, it is quite difficult to express their desires, so there should be some guidance from a partner, but if the partner does not respond, then Number 19 may get angry. Luckily it does not happen too often - people of Number 19 are extremely sexy and in most cases their partners are ready to do their best to preserve peace in this relationship.

Similarly to the Number 5, people of Number 19 are able to exist in a perfect harmony with their own kind. They are very dominant, and often people are obeying to them for fear, not for affection. On the other hand, those who are sincerely in love with people of Number 19 usually do not look for anyone else, being eternally loyal to their partners. Those born under Number 19 truly have a magnetic personalities and that's how they win hearts of their partners and friends, receiving their full loyalty. Number 19 is able to respect someone with the same powers, so two people, that are carrying this Number usually make a perfect couple. The rest have to decide - if they are strong enough to become equal with Number 19, or they agree to obey - which is also one of the ways of coexistence with Number 19.

One can hardly recommend something to people born with this Number, mainly because they do not like to accept recommendations. If possible, they should restrain their willfulness and ambitions. They possess many unique abilities, they can become a perfect leaders, it is naturally easy for them to achieve their goals. the only thing, that they have to remember - not everyone is the same "super-person" as they are, so they must learn to tolerate weaknesses of the others. In this case they are guaranteed to be powerful and loved throughout their whole lifes. If they only can be satisfied with what they already have achieved, they will shine not only in their time but also in history.



