
Birthday Number 14

Birthday Number 14

Modesty, self-restraint and obligatoriness in everything are the crucial qualities of those, who are born under Number 14. These people are practical and sensible. They are very independent and are not trying to put responsibilities on the other's shoulders. They have the rare ability to adequately perceive any situation and the desire to constantly feel their inextricable link with the outside world. Whatever happens, they are trying to learn their lessons even from a negative experiences. Their outward calmness conceals a riot of emotions and a state of internal variability. Sometimes there is impulsiveness in their actions, in some situations people of Number 14 are quite unpredictable. Choosing their priorities, they often rely on intuition. They like to live a full, rich life. Those born with Number 14 are dynamic, hardworking and able to find optimal ways to achieve their goals. The changes are encouraging them and helping to be always in shape. Indeed, any change means finding new impetus in life, the emergence of new ideas and expanding the sphere of activity. In dealing with people Number 14 feels quite free, but sometimes they might be too straightforward, they should not bring their conversations to the thoughtless, harsh words. Positive attitude towards life gives them the opportunity to have it all: a perfect lover, true friends, interesting and creative work.

People of Number 14 should avoid indulgence, they need to maintain balance and harmony in life. To achieve this, they should select a specific area of ​​activity and manifestation of their talents. Success in life is achieved through the moderation in all aspects of life.
Emotional characteristics


Spouses and friends of these people should better be rich - it is one of the best ways to win a heart or at least attention of people with the Birthday Number 14. These people are not warming up immediately to anyone they see in front of them, and love for Number 14 is not a quick and easy thing. On the other hand, they have a lot of excellent qualities, and they usually are quite attractive to the opposite sex. They are courteous and diplomatic. As a rule, people of Number 14 have many friends, they do not like to fight for a silly reasons, so they usually keep a pretty good relationships with almost anyone - neighbors, colleges and anyone else they meet in life. The spouses of Number 14 should better be materialistic enough. Someone who has another type of mind may experience some difficulties in communicating with the Number 14. They do not really understand people who are not interested in money. This is the most usual mean of communication for those born under this Number. Sexually they are a very strong people, probably because they are materialistic enough not to fly too far to the world of dreams.

People of Number 14 - are "Three in One". Two Numbers are opposite to each other, and their sum is 5 - a very different character, but in fact there is no conflict here. Number 1 is a leader, fiery and ambitious, Number 4 - very intelligent, methodical, the sum of these numbers gives as sort of a mercantile character, who has one god - money. This combination is truly unique. This people are uniting ambition, intelligence and love for money. People born under Number 14 are very successful in material affairs, because they have the gift of being a leader, they are initiative and energetic, very intelligent, and they are able to fully devote all their energy to making money. However, they are quite generous and sometimes even wasteful, but it is controlled by the qualities of Number 5. Under all these remarkable qualities there is a hidden pessimism, that comes from Number 4, but it is (nevertheless) not a dominant trait. In general, Number 14 gives an ambitious, materialistic, very strong and a very lucky people.



