
Birthday Number 20

Birthday Number 20

Emotionality and sensitivity are the main psychological features of these people. Those born under Number 20 intuitively understand others and the world around them. They are thoughtful and inclined to contemplation. Often this people are endowed with psychic abilities, they instinctively feel the world around. Communion with nature is very important to them because contemplating it, they learn basics of life and relationships with the universe. Depth of their perception enables them to see the hidden flows of events and causes of human actions. People of Number 20 often cause changes in their environment. All this creates the need to find, develop and improve their inner world.

They are strongly attracted by beauty, harmony and love. People born with Number 20 are trying to equally avoid excessive joy and strong grief. The desire for harmony and fear to offend the feelings of others sometimes make them hesitant. They may become nervous, trying to avoid strong heating of their own feelings and their manifestations in the others. By nature people of Number 20 are gentle and caring, but they do not every time feel free to openly express these qualities, hiding their own vulnerability.

In real life sometimes they may experience a serious tests for the ascent of their souls: problems in the family, a love crisis, illnesses. They need to learn self-sacrifice, to develop the purity of thoughts and courage in making decisions. They must know how to see and appreciate their own role in this life, which will always be significant.


Emotional characteristics


People of Number 20 are living in the spiritual world, and therefore they must have a spiritual communion with their loved ones. They are not very strong, and the sexual power among them is rather an exception. In any case, all their physical reactions originate from their brain, and in the absence of spiritual contact they may be not interested to develop this or another  relationships. Physical satisfaction is always a second target for them and it is always compared with the spiritual attraction. Sex for them - is the culmination of emotions, which originated in their mind. They need to have a spiritual relationship with a partner, physical relationships for them is secondary. In marriage, they are looking for people who have the same spiritual qualities, and if the spouse is physically stronger and weaker spiritually, marriage may fail, and for Number 20 it is quite disappointing.

The main thing for them - is to live with those who have the same spiritual qualities. Their strength lies in their mind, and they must have people around them for spiritual communion. It is not always easy for people of Number 20 to implement their plans, so sometimes they are confused. They need partners that would be able to give them enough confidence in themselves. Their spouses should show a lot of support for them.

They need encouragement. People of Number 20 are very sensitive, and their friends and partners should be careful not to hurt them with a careless word. This Number is giving a lot of talents, but the other side is - the lack of confidence. Carriers of this Number should try to believe more in themselves instead of swimming in the sea of ​​uncertainty, and becoming a victims of their own moods and temperament. Their partners must have enough calmness and patience to help them to fight the bad mood. It is also good if there is a certain balance of temperaments.

People born under the Number 20 should be treated politely and gently. They are very sensitive and sometimes pessimistic, they may bring themselves to a deep depression if they will not be cheered up and encouraged by their loved ones. They should develop the power of logic, so that they could - using their wonderful minds - think clearly, instead of seeing only the dark side of life. They need to be fond of something (for example art) at least not to have time for reflection and sadness. People of number 20 have enough tools to become happy and successful in life - they just need to use those tools right.



