
Birthday Number 24

Birthday Number 24

People of this Number usually have a practical and thoughtful attitude to the world. Persistence, patience and stamina are helping them to achieve success in many areas. Their true mission - to work not for money but for the sake of people. They know very well, how to hide their love and hate and behave diplomatically, so that for the others it is difficult to see what position they hold and what they think actually. Sometimes it is difficult for them to "regroup", they have a tendency to relax and calm down, especially when their emotional needs are met. Minor troubles are good for them, because they are forcing people of Number 24 to act - they have a very strong sense of responsibility and they can not afford to fail, doing their job. Their business talents do not depend directly on the educational attainment, they continue to acquire knowledge throughout their lives. They always read, study and learn everything, that can only be offered to them by other people. Those born under the Number 24 are looking for the practical application of their knowledge and they are willingly taking responsibilities. That's why they are usually very successful in almost any career. They are charming, balanced, and have a lot of common sense, prefer to go through the life quietly, being in a supportive and flexible environment. In any relationships people of this Number are faithful, no matter be it a partner or a family. Personal disappointment may shake their world for some time and make a commotion in their lives. Independence and self-confidence - this is what they need first of all - the feeling of self-sufficiency.


Emotional characteristics


In friendship, they are faithful and loyal. Some of them are not easy to get along with people, but if they make friends - it's for life. Emotionally, they are trustworthy, because they are faithful and not able to hurt. People of this Number should study, how to choose friends properly, because they are certainly attractive for everyone.

Most of people with this Number can not really be called sexually strong (although there are always exceptions). Biggest part of their sexual feelings are happening in their minds. In addition, they are shy, which sometimes makes it difficult for them to enjoy success with the opposite sex. They are always dreaming, but not all of them dare to put their dreams into reality. They strongly idealize their objects of adoration. People of Number 24 are very emotional in the affairs of heart, and their love is passionate and deep.

These people need someone to rely on. They need a lot of patience. Their partners should take responsibility, leaving for them a world of dreams and creativity. Number 24 will hardly tolerate some "dirty work" just for the sake of food.

The Number 24 is a combination of Numbers 2 and 4 - it is very sensitive. People of this Number are romantic by nature, it is not easy for them to be a leader. But most of them are a perfect followers. These people are soft, unable to be rude to anyone, even if this someone is making them suffer. They are very intelligent, they have perfect results at school and college, especially if they learn how to be a little bit more brave and confident. They are too cautious sometimes and may miss some good chances - they must learn how to risk. They usually know much more, than their peers and this should help them to stand their ground. The sum of Numbers 2 and 4 is the Number 6 - very romantic Number, which idealizes everything. It gives a vivid imagination and artistic talent. Sometimes people of Number 24 may be too much effected by the sad sides of life. It is good for them to understand, that there are also a lot of "sunny days" and learn to concentrate on positive sides of things.

It is necessary for them to bring up the willpower, not to miss the good opportunities, to be more realistic in love and feel the earth under their feet. They need to focus more on art, some creative work. Mostly people of Number 24 are very successful in an independent career, especially if they have a good advisers practitioners.



