
Birthday Number 4

Birthday Number 4

According to Pythagoras, Number 4 is representing a solid foundation, good support, that's why it is one of the most substantial and significant numbers. Reliability characterizes those who are born with the vibration of the Birthday Number 4. This number is expressing reliability, commitment and patience. People born with Number 4 remain faithful to their principles until the end.

Due to the fact that people of this Birthday Number are more practical than carriers of some other numbers, they can finally achieve a significant success in life. However, 4 has a quite "explosive" character. Even the most solid foundation can not stand if it has too much pressure. So there is no surprise, if the stoic calmness of the typical representative of Number 4 will give way to an explosion of anger, if with all his restraint, he will not find any other way to "let the steam off" in a tense situation.

Most often they are physically strong people, they have a huge intellectual potential as well, and the strength of spirit that enables them to successfully withstand all their hardships. This is - the real "salt of the earth", the most honest laborer. They do not suffer from levity, all their activities are guided by the common sense, which sometimes is lit with the bright flashes of intuition.


Emotional characteristics


In others, people with the Birthday Number 4 are valuing solid, reliable traits more, than anything else. Number 4 does not have time to waste on some frivolous people, who do not know what they want in life. Giving love and respect to someone, they turn them into allies. Moreover, as Number 4 are very serious themselves, they are trying to instill the same spirit in their friends. If they do not like someone, they just ignore him, but with their relatives and friends they are sometimes overreacting with an endless moralizing. In their sermons, they certainly come from the best of intentions, but sometimes it is just not so easy to perceive. In life, it happens that sometimes it is better to remain silent. And the one with Number 4 should understand, that he (or she) does not possess the exclusive right to say the truth.

Such a reliable people are considered a good choice, when someone is looking for husband or wife. In spite of their rather cool looks, they have great sexual appeal. Those born with the Number 4 are rarely romantic. Usually they are not interested much in flirting and sex in a pure form. All that matters for them - is love, which they almost always are taking very seriously, considering marriage one of the main purposes of their lives. They go for marriage, when their feelings are strong enough.

Representatives of Number 4 are the most stable of all people. However, in each case their social portrait will be completely unique. Some of them are strong but silent people, that are thinking a lot, but do not hurry to share their thoughts. Other are very talkative, hiding their seriousness behind the flow of words. Third - quiet and self-critical. Fourth - have a high self-esteem, sometimes even arrogant. However, in general, all representatives of Number 4 have a strong personalities, capable of self-control. In the same spirit they are "raising up" the others, no matter how many different methods will be used here.

Many people born with the Number 4 are born to be leaders. But they will lead with the help of consultations, their basic principle - to achieve consensus. These management methods are providing them with support from a wide range of people. Moreover, this people do not force their subordinates. Even those who's intellectual abilities are below average, but they are born under Number 4, have a big chance to succeed. And all because they have the ability to work hard and learn from their mistakes. Tenacity and obsession will help them to cope with any challenge, despite the fact that sometimes things are not really easy. Those, who are representing the Birthday Number 4 are a real fighters - they never stop until they win.



